Initially the plan was started of by Mugilan Batamale, the guy who turned out to be "obsessive compulsive" towards certain things like taking pictures with cactus and getting souvenirs. Nicholas Ngoo and Jessey Lee then help planned the rest. I was kinda tied up with exams and work at first. Then i joined in haha...
So yeah this was the initial planning for the trip across the continent
Route to
Route back
We were all supposed to split the distance among four people but yeah things happened(a story for another day) and it ended up with them being the only people with car licenses. So yeah Mugi and Nic took the challenge head on with out really bothering what other people think.. hell yeah... even i thought it was crazy, i never heard of driving that long... well at least in malaysia.
A staggering distance of 5000-6000 miles(8000 - 9600 km), somewhere in between,maybe even more not sure how much...exactly Peninsular Malaysia from tip to toe is only about 450 miles?
Anyways this was the schedule, obviously we had to make some changes during the trip
You think we would stop planning there don't you? Nope theres more, but i think you get my point so yeah i ll spare you from the misery lol... We are Tech students to the bone i guess.
LOL... So Yeap, that's how it all began...
Well sorta...
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