I was hit by a case of "i-don't-have-it-but-it's-in-my-pocket" with the car keys... oh yeah mugi rented a new nissan ultima. I kinda left the keys in my jacket's pocket felt like i was carrying nothing though. We left at 12 instead after lunch with BC.
Personally i think the car was pretty awesome, spacious and etc. Anyways, needless to say more about the car as we put it to test.
A Japanese car with 4 Malaysian going across America. Pretty ironic in some sense ain't it?
Anything interesting on the road?
Another Sunny Day
With Artilleries
Horses in wagons
Wall decorations out of nowhere
Trucks and more trucks... :S
The journey was 780 miles and only mugi drove for 11ish hours... Just for bragging rights >_<" Haha... Knocked out when we reach our destination at night... Nic gets bored easily in the car, he has his ipod touch though.
Mugilan Batamale (Pronounced as Batumalai please =] )
I tried blogging during the trip but it wasn't very convenient there was only one laptop so i don't think hogging it would be nice on the nerves and internet connection wasn't very consistent throughout the places we stayed in. Besides, living the moment seemed like a better option then and even now.... Just a different in tenses... past tense for now..
Note to self : Bring more things to do in car in case of another roadtrip.
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